Franco Battiato March 23, 1945 - May 18, 2021Franco Battiato March 23, 1945 - May 18, 2021Dante Alighieri - Dantedì March 25, 2021HamletKate BushPonte Morandi - Genoa (Italy) On 14 August 2018 a 210-metre (690 ft) section of Ponte Morandi collapsed: forty-three people were confirmed dead and 16 injured.Delaram Kamareh Iranian soprano "in excelsis"Jovanotti - Ora Italianism: "Dieci copertine" 2018 contestPrince (Rogers Nelson) June 7, 1958 - April 21, 2016Paolo Poli May 23, 1929 - March 25, 2016Shoah International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27. May 23, 1929 - March 25, 2016Ennio Morricone On 28 February 2016, won his first Academy Award for his score to Tarantino's The Hateful EightRecep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkish moonset July 15, 2016 - Turkish coup d'état attemptBrussels terrorist attack March 22, 2016: three coordinated suicide bombings occurred in Belgium. Thirty-two civilians and three perpetrators were killed, and more than 300 people were injured.Umberto Eco January 5, 1932 - February 19, 2016International Women's Day (IWD) - March 8Ettore Scola May 10, 1931 – January 19, 2016Charlie Hebdo shooting Jan 5, 2015: masked gunmen stormed the offices of a French satirical news magazine in a terror attack that left 12 people dead.Aldo Manuzio, 1515-2015 Italian humanist, he was the most important printer and publisher, founder of the Aldine Press at Venice, inventor of italic type.